Monday, January 16, 2012

Sausage sizzles

New legislation around the health and safety of food sales has been on the cards for some time - obviously effecting the small scale sale of food, sausage sizzles, bake sales etc. It would appear that the legislation will move through the system this year. The new minister, Kate Wilkinson tells us that small fundraising activities will be exempt from the same requirements that will be placed on profit making ventures.

The thought of sausage sizzles and bake sales reminds me that selling something is an option for any charity fundraising. Although the public knows that they are buying in aid of a cause, some people want something in return, even if it is a humble sausage. The activity is a public event which provides some profile and it is an opportunity for some volunteers to provide their time.

However there is a warning here. Don't forget the purpose of the sale - it's to raise money! It's not an end in itself. I heard the story of a supportive husband who happily volunteered to cook the sausages on a Saturday afternoon. After several hours leaning over the hot coals he asked how much money had been made. Two hundred dollars was the answer.  "What" he answered with horror. "Why didn't you tell me you wanted two hundred dollars. If I'd known that was the objective I would have just given you two hundred dollars!"

So my top tips for the sausage sizzle are:

  1. Plan, plan and execute well. You don't want to do this every week!
  2. Make sure your volunteers are appropriately allocated according to their skills
  3. Maximise profitability with everything donated or sponsored
  4. Choose the best location or don't bother
  5. Maximise effort by including other fundraising opportunities, raffles, donations, selling donated goods, car washing, gift wrapping, hot coffee or cold drinks, candy floss
  6. Beware of hygiene
  7. Exploit all the public relations opportunities
  8. Make it fun
  9. Do it once and do it well

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