Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Charitable trusts and foundations, grant makers

News that Gareth Morgan, a well known New Zealand philanthropist, has sold his investment company to Kiwibank, will be good news for those who follow closely the fortunes of grant makers. The Morgan Charitable Trust has already secured significant assets from the proceeds of the Trade Me Company and the trust has been granting money across a wide range of worthy causes, including organisations with an international focus. We might expect that Mr Morgan will increase the capital base of his charitable trust from the proceeds of his sale.

Applying to charitable trusts for grants is often a process given to a relatively junior member of staff, yet it's an area that could benefit from a more strategic approach. There are a number of different types of trusts and foundations and your strategy for communicating with them will differ according to their structure or purpose.

Here's a few things you need to know when researching an appropriate grant maker

  1. what is the purpose of the trust or foundation - look at their charter or trust deed
  2. who do they give money to - get a grant list
  3. how much money do they give away - look at their annual accounts through the Charities register
  4. who are the trustees/decision makers? - do you know them?
  5. what is the decision making process - who and how do they make decisions,
  6. how long is the process?
  7. what will they need from you in your application

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